I noticed today that the WhatsApp mobile app on Android had a new icon that I had never seen before and thought I'd try it out. The icon was to start using the Meta AI feature which uses Llama 3 LLM for the conversations. This implementation is very similar to...
At Advertise Me, we have built a medical centre digital signage solution that will cater for all different types of medical centres or even dental centres. This solution is part of our digital signage software called AdvertiseMe.TV which we built from the ground up. Here's a video showcasing our medical...
Over the weekend (30th March 2024) I did my longest run of 30 km and it's my PR. My previous longest run was 25.6 km set on 16/04/2022. My initial goal was to just beat 25.6 KM so I set a goal of 26 KM but during the run, I...
My YouTube Channel @skopioeye has finally hit 1 million views. - hurray! I first created this YouTube channel back in October 2010 and for the first couple of years only used the account to view YouTube videos. The first video that I published was in 2013 and it was a...
This week I've been testing the Microsoft Clarity tool and I'm quite impressed how powerful this tool is, especially since it's FREE. Microsoft Clarity is a behavioural analytics tool that captures website information such as heatmaps and session information. It even records what the user does on the website so...
If you tried running the npm command in the Visual Studio Code terminal and are getting an error saying that it doesn't exist then you need to install NODE.JS This is one of the error messages you will see: npm: The term 'npm' is not recognized as a name of...
I have a home renovation DIY method for replacing a fly screen, which I'd like to share. The only things you'll need are fly screen mesh and a spline roller. I cleaned the existing spline and reused it because it was still in good condition. The new fly screen mesh...
If you try to pin more than 3 chats in WhatsApp you will receive the error message "You can only pin up to 3 chats". I managed to find a way to bypass this limitation and pin more chats. I do find it strange that WhatsApp only allows you to...
I've battled with the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 not detecting the type cover for a while and wanted to reach out to the community to see if anyone has fixed this. It appears a few years ago, that several people had the same issue and the firmware was the main...
I've been receiving this error message Gateway Timeout. The Gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application on several WordPress websites and I decided to figure out how to fix this and found a solution. This is the typical error message I would get: When...
As I was trying to fix an issue with the Microsoft Type cover not working, I discovered the Microsoft Laptop Surface Pro 4 battery was stuck at 49% and it would just remain there even if it was left charging overnight. I found this issue to be very peculiar so...
If you're looking at building affiliate stores and are automating some of your processes like creating tracking links from the impact.com affiliate platform, then this article may help you. Impact.com is one of the most popular affiliate network platforms where advertisers can promote their products and services and for publishers...