I had to return one of the vegetarian burgers today at a large retailer and was asked why I was returning it. I mentioned to the lady the patty didn't taste right and I didn't use it. It was kept in the fridge and was only taken out during the...
I came across a little but big Mini King Mushroom whilst preparing dinner. My daughter looked at it and yelled out "That's fat!". I had to correct her and tell her it's actually big not fat. Apparently, she said the same thing when she saw a large man at a...
Another hot day and what made it worse was the car had a problem with the air conditioner. It wouldn't turn on for some reason but I'm assuming because the outside of the car hit 41 degrees - maybe? When I was inside the car, I was sweating like crazy....
I had a headache today. I think this was the result of cutting the grass on a very hot day. I tried shaking it off by a quick shower but it didn't work. I then decided to take some Nurofen as I needed to go out and do a couple...
We had the party today. It was obviously a Vegetarian party and here are some photos of the food we indulged in: I don't think many people ate my hummus lol.
Have you tried or learnt something new today? I sure did. I decided for tomorrow party to make hummus from scratch. I've never done this before but decided to get out of my comfort zone and just give it a TRY. I followed a recipe I found on the Internet...
Guest posting is one of the best marketing strategies to increase exposure for your brand and business. Guest posting has benefits for both the website owner and the guest poster. For the website owner, publishing guest posts on their website allows fresh content to be indexed on Google which is...
It hit 40 degrees today!!! I managed to stay indoors for most of the day except when I had to go pick up a parcel in Seven Hills. The kids wanted to go outside to ride their bikes but I told them they couldn't because of the heat. [wp-svg-icons icon="signup"...
I noticed one of our websites digitalsignageblog.com was not displaying correctly. It appeared as if it was not loading some of the posts and the menu items were all incorrect. I ran a database repair by using the instructions here: WordPress Database Repair I thought this would have fixed the...
The Sponsor My Articles is another great digital product that Advertise Me developed. One of the biggest lessons with creating any digital product is being able to continuously provide support and add new features to the product. From experience with developing products, you will find there is always going to be...
Something really interesting happened to me whilst walking to the gym. I was crossing a road and this Indian guy (i think he was) with a bear and wearing a Turpin he said "You're very lucky". I said excuse me? "You're a very lucky man" he repeated. He pulled me...
A hot day but some members of the Tran Clan family went to have a picnic at Mt Annan (Bowden Centre). There's a nice lake there with tables and plenty of shade. The kids had fun riding on their bikes and having a water gun fight. I was outnumbered 1-4...