I just passed the Microsoft Security Operations Analyst Associate certification. This certification was a bit harder than the AI fundamentals I did last year. I scored 777 and during the exam, I thought I’d fail because there were quite a few questions that I guessed. In any case, a pass is a pass and is now certified as a Microsoft Associate.

The next step would be to complete an Expert level exam and I will try to complete one this year. I have been on a learning growth journey since two years ago and have been studying at TAFE, University and completing certifications.

This is what the digital badge looks like:

Marco Tran microsoft certified security operations analyst associate

You will notice there are 2 stars compared to 1 star for the fundamentals. The Expert level has 3 stars.

You can view all my recent badges from Credly. I’ve also added the certification to my LinkedIn profile. I normally keep my LinkedIn profile up to date and I use it as a way to create a personal and professional brand. It also helps to build credibility with the skills and experience mentioned on your resume.

Marco Tran LinkedIn Profile

Sitting for the exam, has helped me broaden my understanding of the Microsoft Suite of security products such as Microsoft Defender, Sentinel and all the other add-ons. For small and enterprise businesses, having secure networks and systems in place will help prevent hacks and reduce security leaks. For the clients, employees and staff, this will reduce IDFraud (Identity Fraud).

Some resources you can use to pass the exam are:

Hope this helps and if it does please share it with others. Good luck!

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