I passed the Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 exam and found it pretty easy and learned a few things about machine learning. The exam was done online via Pearson Vue and this was the first time I’ve done an exam online. It’s been a while since I did a Pearson Vue exam and I’ve always done it at their test center but it’s great to see that there are now options to do the exams online – it’s definitely a time saver as you don’t have to do any traveling.

I decided to do this exam to obtain some exposure and knowledge in Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning – the only way to force myself to learn about this topic was to sit for an exam. This year, I’ve been on the path of constant education and learning which was triggered by my positive health and fitness mentality.

Now with the exam, there are only 33 questions, and you are allocated 45 minutes to complete the exam. I received a score of 833 and you needed above 700 to pass. When I submitted my answers, I had about 20 minutes left to spare and I also didn’t review my answers. Once you pass the exam you will receive a copy of the certificate and you can share this on your LinkedIn profile.


I have also linked the certificate to my Credly account which shows some of my current certifications but it doesn’t include some of my old certifications such as my CCNA or Project+ but I do have these listed on my LinkedIn profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcotran/


For those of you who have never done an online exam via Pearson Vue, let me share what you may expect based on my own experience. Before you start the exam, you need to check in 30 minutes before the allocated start time of the exam and during this process, you will be asked to use a webcam or your phone to take a photo of your driver’s license (front and back), a photo of your face and your surroundings where you plan to take the exam.

The next step was to use the webcam to show a support staff at Pearson Vue your surroundings and they will advise you what you need to remove or will query what is on your desk. My recommendation is to clear the desk as much as you can. I had my Xiaomi lightbar wheel on the desk and he questioned what that was for so I removed it away (everything you don’t need has to be at least an arm’s length away). I was doing the exam in my home office which has 2 external monitors connected to the laptop and the support staff asked me to disconnect those monitors from the laptop and also remove the power cable from the monitors. I also have a magnetic whiteboard on the side wall and I had to remove all the magnets I had on the whiteboard.

I was also asked to use the webcam to show underneath the desk, so just make sure your webcam is portable otherwise if you used your laptop’s built-in camera you would be able to easily maneuver the laptop. The webcam will then need to be left on and they will be recording the whole time you sit for the exam. The main reason why they do all these checks is to prevent “cheating” as you are not in a test center environment, but I’m sure some people have found workarounds – naughty! naughty!

My recommendation to pass this exam is to go through all the free sample questions or dumps on various websites and also check out YouTube videos that go through some of these questions and answers (perform a search for the AI-900 exam and use a filter to only show videos in the past year). The Microsoft website also has a whole wealth of information available to help you pass the exam.

I hope some of this information helped you get ready for the exam and if it did please leave a message in the comments with your passing mark. All the best!

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