Bang bang bang. Stop. ‘Out of balance’ That’s what the Fisher and Paykel Aquasmart machine (Model WL80T65CW1 Product Mkt 93114-B) kept doing every single wash and what was worse it would restart the washing cycle after you rebalance the clothes. It would normally stop during the spin stage and at times it would keep going through this cycle. We would either have to take the wet clothes out and just dry them, keep rebalancing the clothes until it magically fixed itself or just stop the cycle and then let it run in spin mode only.
It was frustrating because it was wasting water. It has been happening for a few months and I did notice the water bill increase because of this. I had enough and decided to fix this issue and I knew nothing about washing machines but I was determined to fix it with the help of Google.
After doing some research and watching a few YouTube videos the issue seemed to be related to either the dampening rubber bands or the suspension rods.
In a forum, it mentioned the dampening rubber bands were most likely stretched and needed to be tighter. One way to fix this it was to use cable ties to tighten them – this was a fix that didn’t need any investment.
This is how the dampening rubber bands look like:
The first thing you need to do is remove the top cover. To do this you need to open the lid and then remove two rubber cover to get the screws.
Once the covers are removed use a Phillips head to remove the screws.
I didn’t completely remove the top cover since there were cables so I just opened it at about 90 degrees and let it rest on something.
Upon inspection, those white rubber bands did seem quite loose so I used a cable tie to tighten all four just like this (there’s one at each corner). You can also replace them and if you need instructions for this then you need to read this article: REPLACING THE SUSPENSION BANDS ON THE FISHER AND PAYKEL WASHING MACHINE
I then put the top cover back down, the screws and the rubber covers (don’t do this until you are for certain the issue is fixed)
After testing the issue was not fixed. So I had to open it up again (that’s why don’t put the screws back). I played around with those damping rubber bands and I came to the conclusion that it was not the problem.
I went back to researching and the suspension rods that hold the tub was most likely the problem and so I ordered a set (Product code: 424495P with 4 in a pack) which set me back $125 including shipping. It took 3 days to receive the part and when I did receive it there were no instructions on how to replace the old parts but they were easy to change.
You can buy these rods from here:
Here are the steps I followed:
NOTE: I did one at a time because I had no clue on how to completely remove the tub. I let the other 3 rods support the weight of the tub
- Remove the dampening rubber band (just unclips at both ends)
- Pop out the red holder near the bottom of the old rod
- Unhook the top part (the top plastic part just sits on the corner) and slide out the rod
- Slide the new rod and pop back the red holder at the bottom of the rod and then hook the rod to the top
- Repeat that to all four as the process is very similar. The only one that was more difficult was the one on the top right-hand corner since it had a clip for some of the cables. All you need to do is pull the clip from the cable conduit and remember to put it back when you’ve installed the new rod.
- Once all the new rods are in then perform testing
When I removed one of the rods I tested the suspension and indeed it was very loose hence the reason why it was causing the banging noise as the tub would move up and down causing it to hit the sides. Here’s a video of the old suspension rod vs the new suspension rod.
After you replace the suspension rods and straps you can also run some diagnostic tests. To do this watch this video:
Hopefully, this has helped someone fix their issue.

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I am an entrepreneur based in Sydney Australia. I was born in Vietnam, grew up in Italy and currently residing in Australia. I started my first business venture Advertise Me from a random idea and have never looked back since. My passion is in the digital space, affiliate marketing, fitness and I launched several digital products. You will find these on the portfolio page.
I’ve decided to change from a Vegetarian to a Vegan diet and started a website called Veggie Meals.
I started this blog so I could leave a digital footprint of my random thoughts, ideas and life in general.
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