I needed to buy a special medical device for my son and the Paediatrician advised that I may be able to claim it under my private health insurance so I called them up and spoke to one of their customer service staff. They quickly looked at my cover and said it may be covered under as a medical device but I needed to speak to one of their specialists. When I spoke to the specialist they advised me the product wasn’t covered and so I asked what was covered and she told me they had a list. I asked if an Epidural was on the list and she didn’t know what it was so I had to explain it to her. So I’m thinking to myself why am I paying for private health insurance when I’m not even covered for these small items!


Below is a summary of today’s main activities, tasks and accomplishments:

  • Followed up on a few quotes
  • I’m planning to rebuild the VPS that I accidentally ran the rm -rf /* command (DON’T DO THIS) so I needed to backup some of the data. I tried freeing up as much space as I could but

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Today, I did a fitness workout which consistent of the below exercises:

  • Rowing – 500m, 20x push ups, 500m, 20x push ups, 500m, 20x push ups, 500m, 20x push ups
  • Bench press – 10x 70 pounds, 10x 70 pounds, 10x 70 pounds
  • Lat pulldown front – 10x 40kg, 10x45kg, 10x50kg
  • Lap pulldown back – 10x 40kg, 10x45kg, 10x50kg
  • Seated row – 10x 40kg, 10x45kg, 10x50kg
  • Decline ab crunches – 50, 10x overhead raises, 10x push ups, 40x 25 pounds, 10x overhead raises, 10x push ups, 30x 35 pounds, 10x overhead raises, 10x push ups, 20x 45 pounds
  • Run 1km @ 4:57

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Up & Go




Rice with vegies

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Health – look after your health as no one else can.

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Subscribe to my newsletter where I will share my journey in affiliate marketing, business, technology, fitness and life in general. Hopefully, this motivates you to also change your journey in life.

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