As you can tell I’ve been busy hence the reason why I haven’t been blogging. The main reason is that work has been getting busier which means less time to write these articles. The main reason why work was busy is because we went live with one of our Digital Wayfinding projects.
Below is a summary of today’s main activities, tasks and accomplishments:
- Received new keys for the office expansion. We decided to lease the vacant office next door which is slightly bigger than our current office. The office rent was very competitive and we needed to extra space to store some of our showroom equipment. One of the challenges we are facing is the supply cost of the electricity to both suites. One way around it is to have the second office connected to the first meter
- We are soon launching Social Wall for a Gym and are getting ready for this. We hope this to be a success
- Also had a chat with a large franchise for a digital signage solution however they need to discuss the agreements so we need to organise a meeting with them
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Today, I did a fitness workout which consistent of the below exercises:
- Rowing 500m, 10 burpees, rowing 500m, 10 burpees, rowing 500m, 10 burpees, rowing 500m, 10 burpees
- Chest press 10x 70 pounds x 3
- Arm curls 10x 25kg, 10x30kg, 10x35kg
- 10x Leg raises, 10x dips, 10x pull ups, 10x diamond push ups
- 150 crunches
- Run 1km at 5:19 at 10km/h
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Bowl of cereal with Soy milk
Cheese pizza
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Wanted to reshare this video which is so true. I found myself sharing this with the title “True. I’m not very fun… but I’m very happy lol”. I hope you get what I mean. Watch the video.
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I am an entrepreneur based in Sydney Australia. I was born in Vietnam, grew up in Italy and currently residing in Australia. I started my first business venture Advertise Me from a random idea and have never looked back since. My passion is in the digital space, affiliate marketing, fitness and I launched several digital products. You will find these on the portfolio page.
I’ve decided to change from a Vegetarian to a Vegan diet and started a website called Veggie Meals.
I started this blog so I could leave a digital footprint of my random thoughts, ideas and life in general.
If any of the articles helped you in any way, please donate. Thank you for your help.
Affiliate Compensated: there are some articles with links to products or services that I may receive a commission.