Did two workout sessions. My wife thinks I’m a gym junkie for doing two work out but I see it as an opportunity to get healthy – especially when I now have a bit more time. My kids go to Chinese school in the afternoon and instead of just waiting or going home, I decided to go to the gym since it’s only 5 minutes away from the school.
Below is a summary of today’s main activities, tasks and accomplishments:
- double workout
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Today, I did a fitness workout which consistent of the below exercises:
- Warm up run
- Circuit – Battle ropes, farmer walks 2x, squats with sand bag, skipping, hammer hitting tyre, kettle bell swings – timer farmer walks
- Lunges, 20 pushups, frog jumps, 10 burpees, lunges, 20 pushups, frog jumps, 10 burpees, 200 skips
- Circuit – Battle ropes, farmer walks 2x, squats with sand bag, skipping, tyre flips, kettle bell swings – jog and sprints in between each exercise
- Tabata – push ups, side to side squats, burpees,
- Rowing 2km
- Dips – 3 sets of 10 reps
- Cross Pulldowns – 10x 7.5kg, 10x 9kg, 10x 11 kg
- One hand pull down – 10x 7.5kg, 10x 9kg, 10x 11 kg
- One Cross Pulldowns – 10x 7.5kg, 10x 9kg, 10x 11 kg
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Pasta with vegetables
Vegetarian Bun Rieu
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Your actions reflect your virtues – if someone tells you that your behaviour should reflect the position you hold, what do you do? Do you get upset and tell yourself “This is how I behave?”. We should always reflect on our actions and don’t use the excuses for not improving and changing yourself.
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I am an entrepreneur based in Sydney Australia. I was born in Vietnam, grew up in Italy and currently residing in Australia. I started my first business venture Advertise Me from a random idea and have never looked back since. My passion is in the digital space, affiliate marketing, fitness and I launched several digital products. You will find these on the portfolio page.
I’ve decided to change from a Vegetarian to a Vegan diet and started a website called Veggie Meals.
I started this blog so I could leave a digital footprint of my random thoughts, ideas and life in general.
If any of the articles helped you in any way, please donate. Thank you for your help.
Affiliate Compensated: there are some articles with links to products or services that I may receive a commission.