My brother is looking at changing the theme to our Advertise Me website. The last time we did that, (over 4 years ago) we paid the consequences. One thing to remember when changing anything with your website is that you may either increase your SERP (Search Engine Results Page) or bury it. A few months after we launched the site, it looked pretty good but we ended up losing page ranking. It took me almost a year before I could bring our site back to the first page of some of the keywords we were focusing. This time, I’m a bit more cautious and the plan it to create the content on a test site, then migrate the content and theme to the production site whilst keeping the existing content. The theme we are looking at installing is called Monstroid and you can read more about it The Monstroid WordPress Theme
Below is a summary of today’s main activities, tasks and accomplishments:
- Organised payment for some invoices
- Set up the test site. Originally, the test site was ready back in late 2015 (yes, sometimes it does take that long to build a site… NOT)
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Today, I did a fitness workout which consistent of the below exercises:
- Rowing – 500m, 5 burpee pullups, 500m, 5 burpee pullups, 500m, 5 burpee pullups, 500m, 5 burpee pullups
- Barbell Curls Half Reps – 5 Bottom, 5 Top, 5 Full (40 pounds straight bar, 50 pounds straight bar, 65 pounds straight bar)
- Dumbell Hammer, Side, Front Raise Alternating, Front Sideway, Lateral Raise – 10x 17.5kg, 10x 20kg, 10x 22.5
- Total of 3 set – Reverse crunch 10x, 60 second plank, 30 second left side plank, 30 second right side plank
- Run – 4:56 @ 12 km/h and last 40 seconds at 16
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Left over pasta from daughter
Pasta with cheese
Left over rice and vegetables
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Are you spending too much time on Social Media – I was thinking how long do people spend on Social Media. I primarily use Social Media as a business tool – I have to connect with my audience and target market to sell my products and services.
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If this article helped you in any way and you want to show your appreciation, I am more than happy to receive donations through PayPal. This will help me maintain and improve this website so I can help more people out there. Thank you for your help.

I am an entrepreneur based in Sydney Australia. I was born in Vietnam, grew up in Italy and currently residing in Australia. I started my first business venture Advertise Me from a random idea and have never looked back since. My passion is in the digital space, affiliate marketing, fitness and I launched several digital products. You will find these on the portfolio page.
I’ve decided to change from a Vegetarian to a Vegan diet and started a website called Veggie Meals.
I started this blog so I could leave a digital footprint of my random thoughts, ideas and life in general.
If any of the articles helped you in any way, please donate. Thank you for your help.
Affiliate Compensated: there are some articles with links to products or services that I may receive a commission.